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insight regarding perimenopausal rage symptoms and solutions that work.
Hormonal Imbalance
Q: How many (peri)menopausal women does it take to
change a light bulb?
A: Oh, change it yourself — and stop bugging me with your stupid questions!
When the ovaries stop producing eggs and estrogen you may suffer from a
hormone imbalance. As estrogen drops it can trigger a drop in the
level of serotonin and other neurotransmitters and additional hormones, such as progesterone and
testosterone. Additionally, other brain chemicals linked to mood,
such as dopamine and noradrenaline, are also involved. This unstable
hormonal situation may cause many symptoms such as depression and
anxiety, irritability and rage.
Signs of Perimenopausal Rage
1. History of
PMS: If you previously experienced severe premenstrual symptoms, the more extreme hormone fluctuations of
perimenopause can exaggerate your symptoms significantly, which can cause perimenopausal rage. PMS is typically
worse in women who don’t take good care of themselves to the degree that they should through healthy nutrition,
exercise and lifestyle measures.
2. Over
Reactive Anger: Complete over reactions to miniscule things is part of this anger. The anger responses are
extreme in regard to what is usually considered “small things.” Anger and irritability is the typical response
to minor events.
3. Rapid
Mood Swings: Is everything hunky dory one minute, and then sad, overwhelmed or crying the next, does this ring a
bell? Your moods change like the flip of a switch with no warning at all. The instant flip-flop of emotions is
often a sign of a possible hormonal imbalance.
Postpartum Depression: Women with postpartum depression may be more susceptible to developing perimenopausal
Coping with Perimenopausal Rage.
For starters we'll review what
we have all been told repeatedly... Reduce or eliminate your consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods that contain far
more salt, sugar and saturated fat than anyone needs, and replace these with healthy foods. Combine some form of
cardiovascular and weight-training exercise, at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week, to help drain off some
jittery energy and allow for better sleep. If you can manage to toss in some form of stress busting yoga or even
meditation, even better. And of course Quit smoking.
woman is different and what helps one may not help another. With that said more women are finding that low
doses of the newer forms of antidepressant medication (SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and SNRI
or serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors) can be effective when it comes to improving perimenopause and
menopause related mood disorders. They may even help reduce hot flashes and night sweats, which is a bonus for any
women with these symptoms who doesn’t want to, or can’t (such as breast cancer patients), use hormone replacement
therapy. Therapy or counselling may also help a woman discover what may be a long standing
anger problem, apart from hormones and brain chemicals.